Save the badgers! - Maxx Silver Music

Maxx Silver Music
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The Waddington Avenue Badger sett has been in Old Coulsdon for at least 50 years.
Since 2020 I have received photographs of cruelty to the sett which I reproduce with permission.  It makes me so angry to see what can happen near a building site.
The Authorities are aware of this.

Croydon Council have failed to explain, since March 2022,  what is happening here and why.

There is now a planning application amendment that specifically asks to close this badger sett,  relocating a 20 metre wide sett to a 3 metre, fence enclosed area one cars length from new buildings..

East Surrey Badger Protection oppose this idea.  Natural England a national government organisation, oppose artificial setts as they simply do not work.

That this has even been put forward shows a lack of understanding of these naturally shy creatures to add to everything this sett experienced up to now

Without  previous intervention by concerned local people this sett would have  been destroyed by diggers with BADGERS STILL LIVING IN IT. The pictures show they have really been suffering.

This  proposal will make the Badgers HOMELESS.  They will keep coming back to try and  re-establish a 50 year old home causing them more distress for many  more years to come.

Please object to this change on Croydon Council web page LINK BELOW and show that Coulsdon residents care about animals and want protected species to be protected and not destroyed.


We see no evidence of the Wildlife and  Countryside Act being followed by anyone. Badgers are protected as are their homes.

Under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992, it is an offence to damage, destroy or block access to a badger sett, or to disturb badgers in their setts

Convicted criminals face a maximum prison sentence of 6 MONTHS and fines of THOUSANDS

The building site must be closed  IMMEDIATELY by Croydon Council whilst the Authorities complete their enquiries.
Bertie, Basil Badger and his 9 friends should have a nature reserve to themselves of 30 metres in every available direction and must not be surrounded by any  new buildings. This will also protect a Stag Beetle prime site and secure a vulnerable hillside that retains rainwater to help prevent run off flood, something that affected 34 houses in 2016.  Keep the hillside green and stop flooding.
There  must be remote cameras or regular visits by Badger Protection experts  such as East Surrey Badger Protection Society.  We expect the Council to pay them for their services as they are all volunteers.
This  is a perfect example of developer greed around this area  which resulted in many mature  native trees being needlessly felled in the area, before planning was  even considered by the Council.  We want biodiversity restored not lost.

The person responsible for the decision on this sett at the Council is
Both  East Surrey Badger Protection and Old Coulsdon Residents Association  have complaints, unaddressed for many  months which we believe are on  her desk.
Nicola  needs persuading that this sett should not be destroyed and that all alternatives are not acceptable.
Please write to her,   expressing your wish that we save this badger sett from further cruelty.  
Be nice, please, whilst freely expressing how you feel about these matters.

We wiill update this page with more information as it arises.

Maxx Silverr 21/8/22

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